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5 eco-friendly resolutions

New year, new me? Better off just aiming for some new habits. More often than not, resolutions taken with conviction in January don’t last for very long. Here are 5 green suggestions to integrate to your routine this year. Not just for you, for our planet too!

1- Mobilization for the planet I will take part of

More than 5.8 million trips were recorded in 2019 for BIXI rides. It’s 8% more than the last year! On September 27th, many of you rode a BIXI to participate to the #ClimateStrike in downtown Montréal. For 2020, join the April 22nd movement for Earth Day. But also, be the change you want to see in the world and think about your impact on a daily basis.

2- Fights against climate change I will lead

Swap the car for public transportation, combine walking trips with a BIXI, grab a bike to meet with friends or to get to work. Try to adopt new healthy and green habits for you and for our world. Pro tip: quickly locate a BIXI bike available in a station close to you, reserve and unlock it using our mobile application! Makes things easier.

A little rushed or intimidated by distances? Instead of choosing a taxi ride, opt for the electric BIXI bikes! They are going to be available as soon as the 2020 season will start next spring for an additional $1.50 each way. You will get to your destination faster and with less physical efforts. 

3- My lunches I will carry

As a mobile and urban worker, snacks and lunches are added to your backpack every morning before leaving for work. You could instead go to the vending machine to grab some nuts or to the store for an already wrapped sandwich. But when you think about all the plastic or aluminium involved and thrown away day after day, preparing your meals in advance using washable containers and reusable snack bags becomes important. If you already have this good habit, try to convince at least one colleague to do the same! Challenge accepted?

4- Community reflexes I will adopt

Sharing economy pays off! In addition to make you save some dollars, it also helps reducing your ecological footprint, Take advantage of collective services such as BIX’s bike-sharing, STM’s public transportation and Communauto’s car rental services instead of buying a bicycle and a car. Also, in order to save space in your house and not to buy stuff in double or triple amongst a group of friends, acquire the objects you only use a few times a years (like a raclette oven, small appliances and tools) in common and share them. Buy less, share more!

5- Made in Québec products I will buy

Everything you need as a Montrealer getting around with BIXI can be purchased here to encourage our local economy. Helmets, backpacks, lunch box, snack bags, coats, shoes, accessories: buy local!

These five resolutions will not only make you save money, they will also help the planet to breath better. Are you up to the challenge?